Entrainment Quotes and Proverbs
HeartMath's Freeze-Framer
Think of entrainment as being "in sync." When your head and heart,
thoughts and feelings, are working harmoniously together, you have more clarity
and inner balanceand you feel better.
Doc Childre and the research team at the Institute of HeartMath (IHM)
We have shown that techniques which combine intentional heart focus with the
generation of sustained positive feelings lead to a beneficial mode of physiological
function they have termed psychophysiological coherence. Correlates of psychophysiological
coherence include a sine wave-like pattern in the heart rhythms, increased heart-brain
synchronization (alpha rhythms become more synchronized to the heart) and entrainment
between the heart's rhythmic patterns, respiration, blood pressure rhythms and
other physiological systems.
HeartMath's Freeze-Framer
The Freeze-Framer program analyzes your heart rhythms and displays your level
of "coherence" which represents how internally syncronized you are.
It also provides you with an entrainment target area called "The Zone" and
monitors your heart rate as well.
Institute of HeartMath
People can (learn to) create and maintain a state of internal coherence and entrainment,
and that once in the entrainment mode, other cardiovascular systems, respiration,
heart rate variability and blood pressure waves synchronize or entrain.
When the universe is in harmony with man - the eternal, we know it as truth but
we feel it as beauty.
William Hazlitt
Gracefulness has been defined to be the outward expression of the inward harmony
of the soul.