Compassion Quotes and Proverbs
Seeing matter itself as emptiness produces great wisdom so one does not dwell
in birth and death; seeing emptiness as equivalent to matter produces great
compassion so one does not dwell in nirvana.
Jonas Salk
If humankind would accept and acknowledge this responsibility and become creatively
engaged in the process of evolution, consciously as well as unconsciously, a
new reality would emerge, and a new age could be born.
Doc Childre and Howard Martin, The
HeartMath Solution
When we look at the physics of collective consciousness, the nature of incoherence
and coherence becomes increasingly important. Our own emotional management also
ranks high on the priority list. Depending on how self-managed we are, we can
deflect some of this stress influence. However, we can still be vulnerable to
increases in the stress frequency in the world around us increases that
amplify our mental overprocessing and emotional reactivity and push us past our
tolerance threshold.
Doc Childre
Ongoing stress creates an energetic environment, affecting town and country,
spreading from nation to nation, causing disharmony, disease, storms and wars.
The heart's intelligence can help to dissipate these negative energies, giving
people a fresh start in learning how to get along. As enough people learn about
emotional fitness, it will cause a global shift into new consciousness that many
are talking about, and then quality of life has a chance of becoming better for
the whole.
Doc Childre and Howard Martin, The
HeartMath Solution
As a highly connected global society, we're moving rapidly toward having to make
important choices that will affect our present security and the lives of future
generations. The world's problems could get worse before they get better. But
the very challenges of this time period also present opportunities for a significant
shift in human consciousness.
Doc Childre, Self Empowerment
Many people are now starting to experience a new energy filtering down through
the density of mass consciousness. This energy stirs your spirit to find freedom
of expression and amplifies the voice within your heart. This new planetary energy
facilitates people in thinking more about the heart and its potentials in all
human affairs.
Albert Einstein, quoted in H Eves Mathematical Circles Adieu (Boston 1977).
A human being is a part of the whole, called by us "Universe," a part
limited in time and space. He experiences himself, his thoughts and feelings
as something separated from the rest - a kind of optical delusion of his consciousness.
This delusion is a kind of prison for us, restricting us to our personal desires
and to affection for a few persons nearest to us. Our task must be to free ourselves
from this prison by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures
and the whole of nature in its beauty. Nobody is able to achieve this completely,
but the striving for such achievement is in itself a part of the liberation and
a foundation for inner security.
The Intelligent Heart, David McArthur & Bruce McArthur
To fully grasp the complete and profound significance of the Law of One is an
ever-expanding exploration for human consciousness. It may well always be for
us an ultimate which we seek to understand and discover in ever-increasing increments
of intelligence.
A New Heaven and New Earth, Rosemary Fillmore Rhea, from New Thought for a New
The world we are experiencing today is the result of our collective consciousness,
and if we want a new world, each of us must start taking responsibility for helping
create it.