Coherence Quotes and Proverbs
Doc Childre and Bruce Cryer,
From Chaos to Coherence
Intelligence capacity is diminished when frustration, anxiety or inner turmoil
operate. Such emotional states cause incoherence in the rhythmic and electrical
output of the heart, diminishing neurological efficiency. It's one of the reasons
smart people can do stupid things. When you make internal coherence a daily priority,
you save time and energy. Internal coherence "oils" your system. Without
oil in an engine, it burns up. So can you.
Doc Childre and Howard Martin, The
HeartMath Solution
While there's more incoherence than coherence being transmitted in the mass consciousness
at this time, we see considerable evidence of the coherence momentum. More and
more people are talking to each other about heart, following their heart, and
trying to increase their appreciation, compassion, and personal balance.
Many people are experiencing a change in their priorities and values. They've
had enough of living a life of ambition and basic survival. An increasing interest
in spirituality and religious practices of all kinds illustrates that people
are looking for something more . They're seeking, going within themselves the
best they know how, looking for meaning and purpose in their lives. All of these
examples represent a longing for more heart and for a connection with spirit.
Doc Childre and Howard Martin, The
HeartMath Solution
It's not as hard as it used to be to shift to heart coherence. In fact, never
before has coherence been so readily accessible, because more and more people
are turning to the heart. As a result, our ability to move beyond limitations
and experience fulfillment has increased significantly. As we practice following
the heart, we'll develop the capabilities and insights we need to address personal
and social issues.
There's much insight to be gained during these times by aligning heart and mind.
As we achieve alignment, the experience of new awareness will become tangible
and alive. Now is the time to take that promise to heart. But having insights
is different than acting on them. We must follow the heart and shape a better
world for ourselves and the collective whole.
William A. Tiller, "Science and Human Transformation: Subtle Energies, Intentionality
and Consciousness"
The shift from incoherence to coherence can bring dramatic effects: a 60-watt
light bulb whose light waves could be made coherent as a laser, would have the
power to bore a hole through the sunfrom 90 million miles away.