Stress Quotes and Proverbs
Sara Paddison, The
Hidden Power of the Heart
Stress is inner biofeedback, signaling you that frequencies are fighting within
your system. The purpose of stress isn't to hurt you, but to let you know it's
time to go back to the heart and start loving.
Doc Childre, The
How To Book of Teen Self Discovery
Heart power is the tool of the stress buster and the key to the continuous high
you are looking for in life. Realize you can get a quick fix for depression and
boredom by releasing the power in your own heart.
Doc Childre and Howard Martin, The
HeartMath Solution
Stress is the body and mind's response to any stressful pressure that disrupts
the balance in the mind or body. It occurs when our perceptions of events don't
meet our expectations and we don't manage our reaction to the disappointment.
As a response, stress expresses itself as resistance, tension, strain or frustration,
that throws off our physiological and psychological equilibrium, keeping us out-of-sync
and stressed-out.
Doc Childre, The
How To Book of Teen Self Discovery
The more care you put into your life, the more life will care for you, bringing
you fun adventures, great friends, and real inner security. Caring is just good
streetsense So, Judge less and unstress, Care more and high score.
Doc Childre and Howard Martin, The
HeartMath Solution
The irony is this: Our bodies react to stress in exactly the same way whether
or not we have a good reason for being stressed. The body doesn't care if we're
right or wrong. Even in those times when we feel perfectly justified in getting
angrywhen we tell ourselves it's the healthy responsewe pay for it
just the same.
Doc Childre and Sara Paddison, The
HeartMath Discovery Program
The point of balance is the heart. It's the foundation on which to build. Activating
heart frequencies by loving and caring will balance your system, bringing in
peace in the moment. It's the best antidote for restoring balance and alleviating
Sara Paddison, The
Hidden Power of the Heart
Appreciating each other is a true family value, one that will bail out much of
the stress on the planet and help strengthen the universal bond all people have.
Institute of HeartMath, Research
While situations, encounters or events may seem intrinsically "stressful," it
is truly how an individual perceives and reacts to an event that determines whether
or not the stress response is activated.
Sara Paddison, The
Hidden Power of the Heart
Your DNA structure is designed so the choice to function in love is the only
choice that brings you fulfillment. Stress is inner biofeedback, signaling you
that frequencies are fighting within your system. The purpose of stress isn't
to hurt you, but to let you know it's time to go back to the heart and start
Doc Childre and Bruce Cryer, From
Chaos to Coherence
Slowing the mental chatter while neutralizing the emotional clatter and stress
allows the high speed refined intelligence of intuition to be heard. The heart
has the power to neutralize runaway mental missiles and disarm the emotional
stress grenades.
Doc Childre
Ongoing stress creates an energetic environment, affecting town and country,
spreading from nation to nation, causing disharmony, disease, storms and wars.
The heart's intelligence can help to dissipate these negative stressful energies,
giving people a fresh start in learning how to get along and live stress free.
As enough people learn about emotional fitness, it will cause a global shift
into new consciousness that many are talking about, and then quality of life
has a chance of becoming better for the whole.
Doc Childre and Howard Martin, The
HeartMath Solution
The global stress momentum is obvious, but there's an equally potent force opposing
it. Even as the waves of stress and incoherence increase, the energetics of coherence-the
other side of living in this era of change-is working in our favor.
Amidst the burgeoning stress, a new momentum toward coherence is building. But
we can attune to it and actualize it only through emotional management and balance-skills
that much of society lacks. If we stay locked in anxiety, fear, resignation,
or an unwillingness to change, the ever-accelerating pace of these times will
continue to provide one challenge after another. Finding the heart momentum within
is the best way to help ourselves and others navigate through this transitional
Doc Childre and Howard Martin, The
HeartMath Solution
Any time one person makes an effort to contact a deeper part of him or herself,
balance his or her emotions, and deflect the stress momentum, others benefit.
As more individuals learn to maintain their poise and balance and refrain from
adding to the incoherence around them, they help to counterbalance the frequency
of stress.
Hans Selye
Its not stress that kills us, it is our reaction to it.
Wolfgang Hultner, General Manager Mandarin Oriental Hotel, San Francisco
When 100+ CEOs from top companies from around the world are on the wait list,
that is 'stress!' So anything a manager can do to help one's colleagues is a
must to survive.
Paul J. Rosch, M.D., F.A.C.P., President of the American Institute of Stress,
and Clinical Professor of Medicine and Psychiatry, New York Medical College
HeartMath is a unique stress reduction system that is unusually effective for
reducing anxiety and improving performance. Unlike many other services and products
that make similar claims, it has a solid scientific basis, and has been thoroughly
tested in the workplace and other settings that have clearly demonstrated these
A man who suffers or stresses before it is necessary, suffers more than is necessary.
Kim, Age 11
I opened up to people and learned a lot about my parents and myself. I won't
relieve my stress by putting it on my friends or family anymore; now I can relieve
my stress myself.
Alvin Toffler
Future Shock is the shattering stress and disorientation that we induce in individuals
by subjecting them to too much change in too short a time.
Charles W. Mayo, M.D.
Worry and stress affects the circulation, the heart, the glands, the whole nervous
system, and profoundly affects heart action.
Henry Kissinger
There cannot be a stressful crisis next week. My schedule is already full.
Stress - Kids Feel It Too (an article)
Social scientists say living in an affluent neighborhood has little to do with
whether your child will be resilient, happy and successful. They are finding
that when you locate a resilient child, you'll also find a caring adult that
has guided her.