Surrender Quotes and Proverbs
Sara Paddison, Hidden
Power of the Heart
When we know love matters more than anything, and we know that nothing else REALLY
matters, we move into the state of surrender. Surrender does not diminish our
power, it enhances it.
Sara Paddison, Hidden
Power of the Heart
When you have compassion and surrender to your own heart, you are surrendering
to the hidden power in your heart, God. You are surrendering to love, because
God is Love, the cohesive force of the universe that connects us all. Surrender
is not just a religious concept; it's a power tool for listening to the voice
of your spirit and following its directions. When you surrender your head to
your heart, you allow your heart to give you a wider, higher intelligence perspective.
Remember the phrase, "The real teacher is within you." Very simply, that teacher
is to be found in the common sense of your own heart.
Sara Paddison, Hidden
Power of the Heart
Consider your own lifehow many times a day does some situation pop up that
leads to moments of frustration and anxiety? Surrendering your head to your heart
in those moments will lead you to balance and fulfillment. As you listen to your
spirit, peace follows. So follow your spirit. Build your foundation in your heart.
Love must be your innermost and spontaneous response towards every person you
encounter. Say to yourself inside, "I just love." Use these words as a key to
start the engine running in your heart and watch life brighten with new love
and understanding. Surrender to your new awareness and let love unfold the purpose
of creation to you.
Blessed are they who expect nothing for they shall not be dissapointed!
James Baldwin
I imagine one of the reasons people cling to thier hates so stubbornly is because
they sense, once hate is gone, they will be forced to deal with pain.
Anyone who proposes to do good must not expect people to roll stones out of his
way, but must accept his lot calmly, even if they roll a few stones upon it.
Cheri Huber
All you must do is accecpt all that is unaccecptable to you.